Can classical and quantum mechanics merge?
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Visions of Future Physics | WIRED —
Nima Arkani-Hamed is championing a campaign to build the world’s largest particle collider, even as he pursues a new vision of the laws of nature.

IBM Making Plans to Commercialize Its Brain-Inspired Chip — MIT Technology Review —
Phones and other compact devices with silicon neurons and synapses inside could be much more useful.

What The Growth Of Virtual Reality Will Mean For Brands | TechCrunch —
As the personal computer boomed in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a small faction of sci-fi geeks and gamers tried to bring the endless potential of virtual..

The Battle Between Gravity and Quantum Physics, as Told by Craig Hogan and Lee Smolin —
It is the biggest of problems, it is the smallest of problems. At present physicists have two separate rulebooks explaining how nature…

Will You Ever Be Able to Upload Your Brain? — —
SOME hominid along the evolutionary path to humans was probably the first animal with the cognitive ability to understand that it would someday die. To be human is to cope with this knowledge. Many have been consoled by the religious promise of life beyond this world, but some have been seduced by the hope that they can escape death in this world. Such hopes, from Ponce de León’s quest to find a fountain of youth to the present vogue for cryogenic preservation, inevitably prove false.